Friday, October 3, 2008

Injury Report

When I began the journey, I was hoping and praying that I would not occur a major injury and have to "drop out" or "delay" the walk. This week, I have two minor "injuries". However, they have not caused me to stop. There has been slight discomfort though.

Our beast (big dog) caused the first one. I shot out of bed at 4 am on Tuesday morning to begin the walk and when I went to turn the alarm off, I stepped on the unexpectant dog and my ankle turned a bit. Thankfully, after walking and shaking it for about 15 mins., the pain went away.

The second one is still there and very nagging. I have a small cut on the back of my heel. I am not sure if it is more pain, discomfort or .....

Anyhow, this week has been pretty good. I got off to a slow start with me being in Illinois on Sunday and Monday BUT I made most of my steps up and with a big day tomorrow of walking, I should hit my target. Thus, on Sunday morning, I will announce how far, I went this week and where I am at.

Have a great day and once again, thank you for sponsoring me.

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